[Spambayes] Outlook 2002 support?

Gabriel Mino gmino at pcsltd.com
Mon Feb 10 16:38:36 EST 2003

I have installed Python-2.2.2.exe, email-2.4.3 and win32all-152.exe and ran
setup.py install for spambayes-2003-01-17


I am receiving this upon execution of addin.py : 


Outlook Spam Addin module loading

This Addin requires that Outlook 2000 be installed on this machine.


This appears to not be installed due to the following error: COM Error
0x8002801d (Library not registered.) Sorry I can't be more help, but I can't
continue while I have this error.


Any thoughts? I'm not even sure if Python, the extentions or anything for
that matter has been installed correctly. Any ideas on what a newbie to
Python like me may be missing?


I am running Office 2002/XP on Win2K Prof.






-----Original Message-----

From: Mark Hammond [mailto:mhammond at skippinet.com.au
<mailto:mhammond at skippinet.com.au> ] 

Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 4:10 PM

To: Gabriel Mino; spambayes at python.org

Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Outlook 2002 support?


> Anyone know if this is a possibility presently or a not too distant 

> pipe dream? Thanks in advance!!!


I expect it to work now with Outlook 2002.  And as soon as I find that damn
missing CD, I will install it on my XP box to test.


Have you tried it?





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