[Spambayes] ini file fumbling broke
T. Alexander Popiel
popiel at wolfskeep.com
Thu Feb 13 09:00:51 EST 2003
In message: <1ED4ECF91CDED24C8D012BCF2B034F1318CD55 at its-xchg4.massey.ac.nz>
"Meyer, Tony" <T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz> writes:
>This would include a filename-seperator string, presumably defaulting to =
>":" (covering *nix and OSX), with ";" for Win* - maybe those that have =
>implemented spambayes on their Amiga can tell us what characters are =
>illegal in filenames there... :)
Just to throw another monkey wrench in to the mix, I'll point out that
':' is legal in *nix filenames, too. People just tend not to use it
because it would break too much stuff.
The gulf between 'can' and 'should' is huge. ;-)
On the other hand, I support the idea of using : and ; for file list
separators, as suggested above.
- Alex
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