[Spambayes] unknown error

cc cc at belfordhk.com
Tue Feb 18 15:49:28 EST 2003

Hi,  First time posting here.  I've been using 1.02a of Spambayes
for the past week or two and find it quite a good software.  I'm
still training it.

But today, when I checked for email, I got the following error:

error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ServerLineReader connected at 0x1011aa0> (exceptions.EOFError: 

The mail client (Mozilla 1.3a) just connects to the email server,
but not actually get the email or even process it.

I do have a log of the sessions:

+OK POP3 Welcome to GNU POP3 Server Version 0.9.8 <5053.1045554404 at asphalt>
PASS ********
+OK opened mailbox for cc
+OK 1 667
1 667
TOP 1 1

Then nothing happens.

I haven't changed anything.  Just got in today and boom, I get

Any help appreciated.


email: cc at belfordhk.com  | "A man who knows not where he goes,
                          |  knows not when he arrives."
                          |                - Anon

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