[Spambayes] [ spambayes-Bugs-689298 ] Messages not processed
noreply at sourceforge.net
Wed Feb 19 06:43:28 EST 2003
Bugs item #689298, was opened at 2003-02-19 09:43
You can respond by visiting:
Category: Outlook
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Jacques Benoit (jbenoit)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Messages not processed
Initial Comment:
Using Spambayes 1.0a1 and Outlook Plug-in
Using Python 2.2.2
Some email messages are not processed correctly.
The Outlook buttons "Delete as Spam" and "Recover
from Spam" have no effect.
A Pythonwin trace follows.
An email message is provided.
Deleting and spam training message 'Lose 22.5lbs
in 3 weeks for FREE! ' - FAILED to create
email.message from: 'Received: from
maili41.mxdat.org (ms5.mxdat.com
[]) by cybqc07.cybectec.com with
SMTP (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service
Version 5.5.2653.13)\r\n\tid 1B84HXQH; Wed, 19
Feb 2003 07:13:59 -0500\r\nTo:
jbenoit at cybectec.com\r\nDate: Wed, 19 Feb 2003
07:19:15 -0500\r\nMessage-ID:
<1045657155.5456 at green5>\r\nX-Mailer:
Pine.GSO.4.31\r\nFrom: "Get Serious"
<aususua at mxdat.com>\r\nReturn-Path:
<aususua at mxdat.com>\r\nReply-To:
<aususua at mxdat.com>\r\nSubject: Lose 22.5lbs
in 3 weeks for FREE!\r\n
********************\r\nPLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO
THIS EMAIL - To unsubscribe, please see
the\r\nsubscription management section at the
bottom of this
Couldn\'t Face Another Holiday Being Called the
\'FAT ONE\'... \r\nThank God I Found Apple Cider
Vinegar Enhanced!" \r\n\r\nGet Your Free Bottle &
\r\n\r\nCLICK HERE FOR DETAILS! \r\nNo Crash
Diets! No Painful Excercise!
\r\n\r\n\r\nEnjoy your day,\r\n\r\n\r\nDaily Max
#####\r\nIf you no longer wish to receive your
edition of the Daily Max Deal Chop \r\nNewsletter,
please follow the link below and follow the simple
m\r\n\r\nThe use and unauthorized reproduction
of this message and delivery header
\r\ninformation is strictly prohibited. This e-mail
is meant for informational \r\npurposes only.
JudoMonkey makes no guarantees in connection
with the \r\nproduct(s) or service(s)
pythoncom error: Python error invoking COM
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\PROGRA~1\Python22\lib\site-
packages\win32com\server\policy.py", line 275, in
return self._invoke_(dispid, lcid, wFlags, args)
File "D:\PROGRA~1\Python22\lib\site-
packages\win32com\server\policy.py", line 280, in
return S_OK, -1, self._invokeex_(dispid, lcid,
wFlags, args, None, None)
File "D:\PROGRA~1\Python22\lib\site-
packages\win32com\server\policy.py", line 510, in
return apply(func, args)
File "D:\Program Files\Spambayes\spambayes-
1.0a1\Outlook2000\addin.py", line 315, in OnClick
if train.train_message(msgstore_message, True,
self.manager, rescore = True):
File "D:\Program Files\Spambayes\spambayes-
1.0a1\Outlook2000\train.py", line 43, in
stream = msg.GetEmailPackageObject()
File "D:\Program Files\Spambayes\spambayes-
1.0a1\Outlook2000\msgstore.py", line 565, in
msg = email.message_from_string(text)
File "D:\PROGRA~1\Python22
\Lib\email\__init__.py", line 52, in
return Parser(_class, strict=strict).parsestr(s)
File "D:\PROGRA~1\Python22
\Lib\email\Parser.py", line 75, in parsestr
return self.parse(StringIO(text),
File "D:\PROGRA~1\Python22
\Lib\email\Parser.py", line 62, in parse
self._parseheaders(root, fp)
File "D:\PROGRA~1\Python22
\Lib\email\Parser.py", line 128, in _parseheaders
raise Errors.HeaderParseError(
email.Errors.HeaderParseError: Not a header, not a
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