Off Topic [Spambayes] Outlook Express configuration
Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions
tim at
Thu Feb 20 16:22:40 EST 2003
2/20/2003 4:10:57 PM, "Mark Hammond" <mhammond at> wrote:
>> >AFAIK, OE has no programmatic interfaces or hooks, none, nada, zilch.
>> I concur. Unbelievable.
>Not really. MS give away Outlook Express. Their commercial offering (they
>are a company, after all) is Outlook. It is very basic business sense to
>differentiate these products.
>> At least the other mailers store
>> stuff somewhere
>> where you can parse it out and figure out how to configure
>> it...
>Obviously Outlook Express stores it *somewhere* (IIRC, .elm files in
>"Application Data") and obviously a number of other products have worked out
>how to parse the info. Writing new info will be harder, hence we see almost
>no 3rd party products with this ability.
>Windows is Windows, and you wont find me apologizing for the areas in which
>it sucks. On the other hand, you wont find me "apologizing" for the things
>it does well. I am pretty confounded as to how this SpamBayes project could
>cast MS in anything other than a positive light - at least we could do it!
>I tend to roll my eyes at people who cast stones as MS for the good *and*
>the bad.
>> that's why we call it wind'ohs.
>Because it provides software sufficient to hook spambayes as God intended?
>(Yeah, they also provide one that isn't, but they do appear to be one of the
>very few that does). Because my OS is absolutely rock-solid? Because I
>have a debugger functional for large programs (ask the Mozilla guys)?
>Because I can plug my friend's digital cam in and have it "just work"
>without installing a single driver? Maybe us "microshaft" apologists should
>start referring to "penguin shit" <1.0 wink>.
Ok, so I accept the drubbing I have coming. If I can't take it, I shouldn't
dish it out, right? Like Darth Vader, u$ isn't *completely* evil... I
certainly don't see them with spambayes tunnel vision, though. I use their
products because for the time being I don't have a choice. When I do, their
products will become much better because they won't be able to *assume* that
I'll continue using their products. I wait for that day, and work to hasten
>> How about a sampling? <2/3 wink> - TimS
>> >
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>possible for you to trim your posts? Occasionally I see a one-line reply
>from you, but am never clear if you have any additional text - so I scroll
>lots of quoted text, just to find your SIG.
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