[Spambayes] training

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Fri Feb 21 19:14:50 EST 2003

Ok, I've done some testing, and here are the results from these clients.  They are all windows apps, as I don't have a linux or mac box handy to test with.  If anyone wants some other test done while I have all of these installed, let me know :)

[I did not do any Outlook testing, since the plugin does everything anyone might possibly want]

All clients tested, unsurprisingly, will include the message body in the forwarded message.

The following client/methods will forward all headers:
Eudora 5.2 Forward
Netscape Messenger (4.7) Forward (inline)
Netscape Messenger (4.7) Forward (attachment) Plain
Netscape Messenger (4.7) Forward (attachment) HTML
Netscape Messenger (4.7) Forward (attachment) Plain & HTML
M2 (Opera Mailer) Redirect
The Bat! Forward (RFC Headers visible)
The Bat! Alternative Forward
The Bat! Custom Template
Pegasus Mail Forward (all headers option set)
Calypso 3 Redirect
Becky! Redirect as attachment

The following client/methods will *not* forward all headers:
Eudora 5.2 Redirect
Netscape Messenger (4.7) Forward (quoted) Plain
Netscape Messenger (4.7) Forward (quoted) HTML
Netscape Messenger (4.7) Forward (quoted) Plain & HTML
Outlook Express 6 Forward HTML (Base64)
Outlook Express 6 Forward HTML (None)
Outlook Express 6 Forward HTML (QP)
Outlook Express 6 Forward Plain (Base64)
Outlook Express 6 Forward Plain (None)
Outlook Express 6 Forward Plain (QP)
Outlook Express 6 Forward Plain (uuencoded)
http://www.endymion.com/products/mailman Forward
M2 (Opera Mailer) Forward
The Bat! Forward (RFC Headers not visible)
The Bat! Redirect
AllegroMail Forward
AllegroMail Redirect
PocoMail Forward
PocoMail Bounce
Pegasus Mail Forward (all headers option not set)
Calypso 3 Forward
Becky! Forward
Becky! Redirect

So the only mailers (tested) that do not have a forwarding option that will preserve headers are Outlook Express, AllegroMail, PocoMail and (Endymion's) Mailman.  Not too bad.

=Tony Meyer

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