[Spambayes] Has anyone benchmarked performance?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon Feb 24 14:17:25 EST 2003

I'm curious to know if anyone had done any comparative performance tests.
Here at Northwestern, the folks who administer the mail servers have done
some experimenting with SpamAssassin (versions and configuration unknown to
me) and have, at times, been disappointed in its performance.  I know for my
own little installation in the Mojam environment I found Spambayes to be
substantially faster at classifying messages than SA, though this was just a
seat-of-the-pants observation.

It's been awhile since I used SA.  About the time I switched someone there
was playing with generating fast scanners using lex, so SA performance may
have improved dramatically since I last looked at it.

I'll take a peek at classification performance of Spambayes and post some
results in a bit.



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