[Spambayes] porting database

Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Wed Feb 26 07:53:05 EST 2003

2/26/2003 7:48:04 AM, "Fredrik Rodland" <spambayes at rodland.no> wrote:

>great - thanx.
>Could you also point me to the correct files to import/export to accomplish
>want I described?
>I have the following files after training:
>	default_bayes_database.pck

default_bayes_database.pck is the only one you need to export/import.  In 
fact, it's the only one that you *can* export/import <wink>. - TimS

>	default_configuration.pck
>	default_message_database.pck
c'est moi - TimS

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