[Spambayes] spambayes fronting a mailing list?

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Jan 16 09:35:53 EST 2003

>>>>> "AB" == Anthony Baxter <anthony at interlink.com.au> writes:

    >> Barry A. Warsaw wrote
    >> So as your list warms up, you'll be training the system.  I
    >> wonder how long it'll take before spambayes gets pretty good at
    >> detecting what's appropriate and what's not for your list?

    AB> This seems like a plan - so long as the UI doesn't suck too
    AB> hard :)

The u/i already sucks so I doubt it could suck any worse. :)

    AB> Previous experiments have shown that it learns _really_
    AB> quickly, if the subject matter's really focussed... something
    AB> like 20 messages gave a remarkably good result, from memory.

That's what I'm counting on!

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