[Spambayes] dumbdbm faster than bsddb3

Alex Polite m2 at plusseven.com
Wed Jan 22 15:37:19 EST 2003

I moved from spamcan to spambayes today and wasted a couple hours
profiling hammie.py

profile.run("spambayes.hammiebulk.main()", '/tmp/stats')

I ran this on approximately 2000 messages and aggregated the stats. 
The entire run was 496 CPU seconds.

When looking at the profiling information I realized that I was using
dumbdbm, which is supposed to very slow. I installed bsddb3, rebuilt
my db and rerun the profiling tests.

The entire run was now 520 CPU seconds, a 4.8% increase.

So it seems like "stupid beats smart" goes for speed optimizations to.

Can anyone corroborate this?


Alex Polite

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