[Spambayes] Successful Installation Reports

Finking, Robert robert.finking at roke.co.uk
Tue Jul 1 17:19:04 EDT 2003

Successfully installed a2 binary on both Outlook 2000/Windows 2000 SP2 and
Outlook 2002/Windows 2000 SP3, and also a3 built from source on Outlook
2002/Windows 2000 SP3.

Thanks for all you work. Jesus loves you, God's got a plan for your life =)


>We can use some people to help check out the highlighted
>configurations in the table. If you can help, please send your 
>results to spambayes at python.org. Please be explicit about the service 
>pack or revision level of the various software bits you are using, 
>and how you installed the plugin (using the binary installer, from 
>the 1.0a2 distribution, or from CVS). 

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