[Spambayes] Interesting work

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Wed Jul 9 22:56:13 EDT 2003

[Phil Bronner]
> I am a VC who has been looking for an interesting spam solution to
> invest in, are you guys interested in packaging this an creating a
> company?

Most of the people who've done heavy lifting on this project seem to be
severely over-employed <0.5 wink>, so I doubt it.

> Have you already started the process?  Are there other
> startups based on this technology out there.


is a (very) recent commercial offering incorporating this technology.
They've got the right connections to continue the research end too (I worked
with them at Dragon Systems in its heyday) -- if they can afford it.
Excelling in this field requires exploiting research, and funding that can
be a problem.  As is, the technology in this project now is more than merely
competitive, so more heavy research isn't an immediate need. OTOH, how it
performs against others a year from now depends on the research done (or not
done) now ...

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