[Spambayes] Question (or possibly a bug report)

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Tue Jul 22 18:35:19 EDT 2003

> I just discovered another way - some dumb tool decided to 
> compile "FCNTL.py" down to "fcntl.pyc", therefore confusing 
> things royally :(

I had this same problem recently (although it manifested itself
differently).  Tim (and a couple of others) helped me figure out what
was wrong on c.l.p.

> I'm not completely sure who actually did that, as I have been 
> doing lots with "embedded" Python's lately.

I considered tracking down who did it, but decided that I had better
ways to spend my time, and would wait until it happened again.  I've
also been doing quite a bit with 'embedded' python, including installing
a variety of packages, so wasn't sure how easy it would be.  If you do
find out who made your 'fnctl.pyc', I'd be interested in knowing, as it
may very well be my culprit, too.

> *sigh* - I'll try and track this down and put out 005.

Got to love those quick releases :)

> Very soon I hope to ship with most .py/c files in .zip files 
> - that will fix this problem in a much cleaner way.  Note the 
> "hacked" filename is to prevent the "please insert a disk" 
> for those poor users with a removable E:.

Out of curiosity, how did you do this?  Is it something in the build
process, or is it in the code/spec/inno setup script somewhere?

> BTW, I (still) hate Python's insistence on using case 
> sensitive filenames <WINK>


=Tony Meyer

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