[Spambayes] sharing split database

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue May 20 11:20:48 EDT 2003

    Brad> Are there any privacy issues that would make collecting word lists
    Brad> (but not weights) objectionable to this group?

My "word list" contains a lot of domain names and email addresses like

    from:name:concertmaster at musi-cal.com

I imagine that sort of stuff would be sensitive to some people.  I think if
you want a shared word list you'll have to selective about what's shared.

    Alex> I don't have any particular objection to this... do you have a
    Alex> snippet of code to extract the wordlist from a db, for those of us
    Alex> too lazy to come up with it on our own?

    import anydbm
    db = anydbm.open("hammie.db")
    for k in db.keys():
        print k

Obviously, this could get more elaborate (eliminating one thing or another),
but that's the basic idea.


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