[Spambayes] Newbie experiences (Emacs + VM) and questions.

Neale Pickett neale at woozle.org
Fri May 30 10:46:37 EDT 2003

Hi Prabhu.  This is excellent!  I've added it to spambayes.el (included
at the end of this message).  Please try this out and let me know if it
works for you.  If it does, I'll check it in to CVS.

> A few more questions/feature requests/whatnot:
>   1. Is the approach I use above a decent approach, i.e. training
>   messages as they are received and then correcting errors using
>   retraining.  It works fairly well for me but I've not tested it for
>   very long.
>   2. Is it a good idea to train on every incoming message or are there
>   better approaches?

I did this (train on everything) for a while, but I've found that
mistake- and unsure-based training has been working very well for me.
IIRC, this is even how Tim Peters does it.  So you don't train on
incoming messages, you only train on the ones that spambayes got wrong.

>   3. At the moment I receive more HAM than SPAM.  Does this matter or
>   make no difference?

It doesn't seem to matter for me.

>   4. I see that some folks retrain the whole database every so often.
>   Is this necessary?  If so why?

I think people do this as a way of pruning their database.

>   5. It would be nice if hammie.py would retrain on any messages that
>   had an X-Spambayes-Trained header i.e. if Hammie.train(...) would
>   check for the header and if found retrain.  If this is intentionally
>   not done it needs to be documented somewhere.  Its a little
>   confusing (for a newbie) if there are different scripts with similar
>   options. :)

I know :(  I may be able to get back in and fix this soon, as $FIRM may
let me start working on the project again soon.  But in the meantime,
feel free to hurl invectives my way about the myriad confusing options
to the myriad similar command-line utilities :)

Here's a new spambayes.el:

;; spambayes.el -- integrate spambayes into Gnus
;; Copyright (C) 2003 Neale Pickett <neale at woozle.org>
;; Time-stamp: <2003-05-30 09:40:00 neale>

;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
;; version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;; Purpose:
;; Functions to put spambayes into Gnus.  
;; This assumes you are already filtering with a procmail recipie
;; similar to:
;;   :0fw
;;   | hammiefilter.py -t
;; If you can't run procmail on all your incoming messages, you shold
;; have a look at spam.el, which is included with Oort Gnus.
;; This binds "B s" to "refile as spam", and "B h" to "refile as ham".
;; After refiling, the message is rescored and respooled.  I haven't yet
;; run across a case where refiling doesn't change a message's score
;; well into the ham or spam range.  If this happens to you, please let
;; me know.

;; Installation:
;; ----
;; To install, just drop this file in your load path, and insert the
;; following lines in ~/.gnus:
;; (load-library "spambayes")
;; (add-hook
;;  'gnus-sum-load-hook
;;  (lambda nil
;;    (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map [(B) (s)] 'spambayes-gnus-refile-as-spam)
;;    (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map [(B) (h)] 'spambayes-gnus-refile-as-ham)))
;; VM (Courtesy of Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in>)
;; ----
;; Put the following in ~/.vm:
;; (define-key vm-mode-map "ls" 'spambayes-gnus-retrain-as-spam)
;; (define-key vm-summary-mode-map "ls" 'spambayes-gnus-retrain-as-spam)
;; (define-key vm-mode-map "lh" 'spambayes-gnus-retrain-as-ham)
;; (define-key vm-summary-mode-map "lh" 'spambayes-gnus-retrain-as-ham)
;; (setq vm-auto-folder-alist
;;       '(("X-Spambayes-Classification:" ("spam" . "~/vmmail/SPAM"))
;;         ("X-Spambayes-Classification:" ("unsure" . "~/vmmail/UNSURE"))
;;         )
;; )

(defvar spambayes-spam-group "spam"
  "Group name for spam messages")

(defvar spambayes-hammiefilter "~/src/spambayes/hammiefilter.py"
  "Path to the hammiefilter program")

;; Gnus

(defun spambayes-gnus-retrain (is-spam)
  "Retrain on all processable articles, or the one under the cursor.

This will replace the buffer contents with command output.  You can then
respool the article.

is-spam is a boolean--true if you want to retrain the message as spam,
false if you want to retrain as ham.
  (labels ((do-exec (n group is-spam)
		    (message "Retraining...")
		      (gnus-request-article-this-buffer n group)
			(if is-spam " -s" " -g")
			" -f")
		      (gnus-request-replace-article n group (current-buffer)))
		    (message "Retrained article.")))
    (let ((group gnus-newsgroup-name)
	  (list gnus-newsgroup-processable))
      (if (>= (length list) 1)
	  (while list
	    (let ((n (car list)))
	      (do-exec n group is-spam))
	    (setq list (cdr list)))
	(let ((n (gnus-summary-article-number)))
	  (do-exec n group is-spam))))))

(defun spambayes-gnus-refile-as-spam ()
  "Retrain and refilter all process-marked messages as spam, then respool them"
  (spambayes-retrain 't)
  (gnus-summary-respool-article nil (gnus-group-method gnus-newsgroup-name)))

(defun spambayes-gnus-refile-as-ham ()
  "Retrain and refilter all process-marked messages as ham, then respool them"
  (spambayes-retrain nil)
  (gnus-summary-respool-article nil (gnus-group-method gnus-newsgroup-name)))

;;; VM

(defun spambayes-vm-retrain (is-spam)
  "Retrain on all processable articles, or the one under the cursor.

is-spam is a boolean--true if you want to retrain the message as spam,
false if you want to retrain as ham.
  (message (concat "Retraining" (if is-spam " as SPAM" " as HAM") " ..."))
   (concat spambayes-hammiefilter (if is-spam " -s" " -g") " -f") nil)
  (message (concat "Done retraining messages" 
                   (if is-spam " as SPAM" " as HAM") ".") )

(defun spambayes-vm-retrain-as-spam ()
  "Retrain and refilter messages as spam"
  (spambayes-retrain 't)

(defun spambayes-vm-retrain-as-ham ()
  "Retrain and refilter messages as ham"
  (spambayes-retrain nil)

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