[Spambayes] Multi-user-capabilities of Spambayes

Pekka Takala pekka.takala at pp.inet.fi
Thu Nov 6 18:10:20 EST 2003


I am using Spambayes to filter my e-mail. All worked fine before my 
girlfriend also wanted that the mail should be filtered for she also.

How can I get it working so that when I start up my e-mail client 
Netscape the spambayes works with my account, and when my girlfriend 
uses Netscape to read her mail, the spambayes works with her account. 
The problem is that the web interface won't know which of us is using 
the system and so she can read my emails by just typing in localhost:8880.

I have tried to script the netscape, only getting problems that it 
cannot create the pop3 cache folders to /home/ptakala/ or /home/phambu, 
depending on which one of us started the netscape.

Could this be somehow fixed so that we get our mailbox caches to our own 
home folders?

Pekka "Pihti" Takala
Nothing can be so bad that you cannot find something good in it!
65XXX assembler programmer/developer, linux user

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