[Spambayes] Spambayes installation in SuSE Linux / No modulenamedzlib ?

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Wed Nov 19 22:00:40 EST 2003

[Tony Meyer]
> The volume of mail shouldn't cause the plug-in any problems (although
> it will obviously take longer to do it's thing).  On occasions I have
> Outlook download many more than 600 messages in one go, and have
> never had any trouble with spambayes - as have others, I'm sure.

Oh, I've seen Outlook 2000 crash under heavy load, and often.  It started as
soon as I got a high-speed connection at home (I never saw it when sucking
1000 emails down over a slow dialup line).  That was long before SpamBayes
existed, though.  It's certainly not happening to me more often than it did
before SpamBayes got installed, and I don't recall it happening at all since
I enabled the SpamBayes "background processing" option.

It bears all the signs of a thread-race bug, and Outlook does run a lot of
threads (while SpamBayes does not -- it runs whatever thread Outlook decided
to run it in).  Depending on *everything* about a particular machine and its
typical loads, running another bit of computation (like, say, SpamBayes)
simultaneously can make thread-race bugs either more or less likely.  I have
no reason to believe SpamBayes is "at fault" here, and much evidence to
suspect OL2000 is at fault; SpamBayes could be acting as a catalyst, though,
by changing the relative timing of threads in such a way as to make an
Outlook bug more likely (or less likely!) to bite.

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