[Spambayes] Still cannot use hammie.py

John D. lists at webcrunchers.com
Thu Oct 9 02:33:41 EDT 2003


After making the suggested change and bug fix in "hammiebulk.py"
I tried it again,  but it still isn't working.

Shell# python hammie.py -g '/home/test/ham' -s '/home/test/spam' -D '/home/test/db_trained2'
Positional arguments not allowed

Usage: hammie.py [-D|-d] [options]

        show usage and exit
  <rest deleted>

Why am I getting this????   And why did it work the first time??   When I did it the
first time,  I specified the filename of 'db_trained'

When I tried it the 2nd time,  I specified a new Pickled filename called
'db_trained2'  then I got this error.

I did make the change suggested by Tony Meyer....  but there must me something
ELSE I'm doing wrong....

What is a 'Positional argument'?


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