[Spambayes] (fwd) Re: SpamBayes Problem

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Oct 13 17:11:12 EDT 2003

> If you don't want to risk it happening again, switch to using 
> the pickle storage (web interface: Configuration / Advanced 
> Configuration / Storage Options / Use database for storage: 
> No) instead.

Note that there are two problems with this (although it's still a good
  * If you have an existing db and use the web interface to change to a
pickle, you'll get a traceback (500 error) as spambayes tries to open your
non-pickle as a pickle.  You can simply stop spambayes, remove the old db,
and start spambayes up again to fix this.  I'm not sure what the best way to
handle this is; Skip suggested that we should check if there is an existing
file, and offer to convert it, which does sound very nice of us, although a
bit of work :)

 * The "message info" database in the 1.0x releases *always* uses a dbm, not
a pickle.  (This is fixed in cvs).  Unless you are using sb_imapfilter.py,
you can just delete this file if it becomes corrupted, though (assuming
normal use of spambayes).  Note that if you are using a pickle and get a
DBRunRecoveryError, it *has* to be this file that is corrupted (a pickle
will never give you one of those errors).

> That's weird.  It should have put pop3proxy_service.py in the 
> same place as the other scripts (probably 
> c:\python23\scripts)  If you find the place where the 
> installer put sb_server.py, is pop3proxy_service.py not there as well?

This is a mistake in either the readme or setup.py.  It's fixed for the next
release, so that pop3proxy_service.py and pop3proxy_tray.py will also be
installed to the Python scripts directory (if the user is running win32).
For the moment, people just have to copy those files manually, or just not
delete them, and run them from the expanded archive location.

=Tony Meyer

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