[Spambayes] Thanks!

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Tue Oct 21 10:33:41 EDT 2003

Hello locals().keys() + dir(__builtins__),

when I first looked at Spambayes, I was afraid of having to train hundreds
and hundres of messages in order for it to be useful, because it is not
pre-trained. But apparantly I listened to my father (very happy with the
step from nothing to spamassasin, non-bayesian), too much, I have tried
Spambayes and I am very happy with it (my father didn't believe a
system without knowledge would be capabale of this, I should show him...).
I have 37 messages trained as spam and 41 trained as ham. It works extremely
good. In a month or so, I have had 1 false negative and 0 false positives
(with many high-traffic mailinglists, I receive about 2000 messages per week).
I have had 6 messages classified as unsure, all of which were treated as ham
by Spamikaze, although only 1 of them was.

Hail Spambayes!

Is it a coincident that Perl guru Tom Christiansen is active in the
development of Spamassisin and Tim Peters is active in the development
of Spamikaze? :)

waiting-for-the-ruby-equivalent-ly y'rs - Gerrit

37. If any one buy the field, garden, and house of a chieftain, man, or
one subject to quit-rent, his contract tablet of sale shall be broken
(declared invalid) and he loses his money. The field, garden, and house
return to their owners.
          -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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