[Spambayes] X-Spambayes-Classification=spam not inserted usingOutlook

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Oct 28 00:03:03 EST 2003

> I'm using the .81 Outlook plugin and the 
> X-Spambayes-Classification=spam header is not inserted in the 
> message as it is moved to my spam folder. I would like to do 
> this because I am using Zoe to classify and store my email. 
> The server I connect to is an IMAP folder.
> Is there an option I can set for this to work ?

The Outlook plug-in doesn't do anything with the headers; because it's
tightly integrated with Outlook, it can use it's own field ("Spam") to store
the score in.  There is a feature request open (see
<http://sf.net/projects/spambayes>) to (optionally) add the headers as well,
but it's almost certainly several weeks away from being added.

However, you should be able to figure out some way to use both the Outlook
plug-in and sb_imapfilter.py; I'm fairly certain that they can share a
database (and someone else has previously posted that they use both
sb_server and the Outlook plug-in with on db), so you'll get the same
classification results (and you can just not train with imapfilter, which is
fine).  Imapfilter will want to move the mail for you, but if you set the
destination folders to the source folder, then it should probably work.
Note that I haven't tried any of this, but the theory is good :)

=Tony Meyer

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