[Spambayes] I'm a web/php/mysql/javascript programmer and can help with making a snazzy/user-friendly website

Tiller, Michael (M.M.) mtiller at ford.com
Fri Oct 31 14:29:28 EST 2003

I don't know what your platform is, but you might think about putting up a Plone (http://www.plone.org) site for SpamBayes.  It has the following advantages:

1) Runs on most platforms.
2) Built on top of Zope and Python.
3) Supports lots of content types and management features.
4) There is a Wiki product for it.
5) Supports users with varying levels of authority.
6) Very easy to customize (e.g. skin).

...among many other things.  I've used it for several things and it really is a very nice system for content management.  Just a thought.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richie Hindle [mailto:richie at entrian.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 2:23 PM
> To: Dave Mathiesen; spambayes at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Spambayes] I'm a web/php/mysql/javascript programmer and
> can help with making a snazzy/user-friendly website
> [Dave]
> > I'm a web/php/mysql/javascript programmer and can help with making a
> > snazzy/user-friendly website
> That could be a big help, especially the user-friendly part.  
> Our website
> is not very user friendly, partly because it was written by a bunch of
> programmers 8-) and partly because it hasn't kept up with the 
> user base of
> SpamBayes.  In the early days, SpamBayes was a research project,
> investigating how Bayesian techniques could best be used to classify
> email.  These days it's an end-user spam filter, whether it's 
> ready for it
> or not!
> One of my longer term aims for the SpamBayes Wiki - at
> http://entrian.com/sbwiki - was to use it to improve the website.  I
> haven't had the time to take this idea any further, but if 
> you (and anyone
> else) would like to use the Wiki as a tool for developing an improved
> website, that would be fantastic.
> Getting users and web content developers involved with authoring the
> website sounds like a very good idea to me.  At the moment, 
> updating the
> official website is a painful job even for the SpamBayes 
> developers, and
> impossible for everyone else, but updating the Wiki is trivially easy.
> http://entrian.com/sbwiki/HowToContribute gives a very quick overview.
> With a view to kicking this off, I've created an area in the Wiki
> dedicated to website improvements:
>   http://entrian.com/sbwiki/WebSiteDevelopment
> This page, and any others beginning with 'WebSite' that 
> people add, are
> for developers and users to sketch out how the website could 
> be improved.
> > This beautiful tool has just saved me in so many ways -- THANK YOU!
> Always good to hear from a happy customer!
> -- 
> Richie Hindle
> richie at entrian.com
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