[Spambayes] Re: ham,Invitation to join the Spambayes group (fwd)

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon Sep 8 09:42:19 EDT 2003

    John> Is it not true that you can more easily find answers on a
    John> YahooGroup.  On the spambayes at python.org mailing list you have to
    John> search each month one at a time or is there an easier way?

Just google for

    spambayes site:mail.python.org

to find references about spambayes on mail.python.org.  You can of course
include other terms to narrow the search.

Still, it doesn't make any difference how easy Yahoo! Groups is to search, I
don't think the SpamBayes community is large enough to support more than one
user support mailing list.  That list is spambayes at python.org, and as far as
I know all the SpamBayes developers subscribe to it.


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