[Spambayes] Classification not always added to the header

Lanny Trager ltrag at optonline.net
Mon Sep 8 13:40:09 EDT 2003

spambayes-1.0a5 (getting mail from two different pop servers)
RedHat 9

Yesterday was my first day using spambayes-1.0a5, because the previous 
version's db got corrupted I began training from scratch.  As the day wore on 
and through about 50 e-mails (about 25% spam) SpamBayes accuracy increased 
very nicely.  All of the e-mail showed up on the review page.

Last night, I shut my system down for the night.  When I brought it up this  
morning (on at least the first two runs) SpamBayes did not classify about 
half of the incoming mail.  They do not show up in the review page and there 
is no classification in the headers.

I ran which_database.py and got the following results:

Invalid option add_mailid_to in section pop3proxy in file bayescustomize.ini
Pickle is available.
Dumbdbm is available.
Dbhash is available.
Bsddb[3] is available.

Your storage hammie.db is a: dbhash

I hadn't seen that first line before so --

I went to the config page and saved it, then re-ran which_database.py with the 
following results:

Pickle is available.
Dumbdbm is available.
Dbhash is available.
Bsddb[3] is available.
Your storage hammie.db is a: dbhash

As of last night my bayescustomize.ini looked like this: (If this was actually 
the bayescustomize.ini from spambayes-1.0a4, I don't remember using the old 
one.  In fact I had tried to use the 1.0a4 bayescustomize.ini but had a 
problem so I renamed it and created a new one using the configuration page.)


After going back to the configuration page and changing one option and saving, 
it looks like this:

[Tokenizer] -- (the changed option)
mine_received_headers:True -- (the changed option)

After the most recent save of the configuration page I have received three 
e-mails all of which had the classification added to the header.  Possibly 
saving the configuration page thus re-creating the bayescustomize.ini fixed 
the problem.

I'm just mystified as to why it happened in the first place.


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