[Spambayes] Once cause for "DBRunRecoveryError: (-30982, 'DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery -- fatal region error detected; run recovery'"

Brad Commins brad.commins at americanfone.com
Fri Apr 2 19:47:06 EST 2004


I've found two ways to cause the aforementioned error. 

1.	In XP, if the Application Data folder is redirected to a
server-based location with offline folders configured AND connectivity
to the server-based location is interrupted and then restored, the DB
can be corrupted when XP tries to synchronize while SB is running.  The
OS does provide a warning to close all apps before synchronizing due to
possible data corruption, but if a user does not heed the warning, a
corrupted SB DB can result.
2.	Similarly, if two or more computers access the same online
redirected / offline /roaming profile simultaneously (the same user is
logged into a laptop and desktop for example), the DB can be corrupted.

Hope this helps and keep up the great work!


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