FW: [Spambayes] Help---Still no luck running spambayes on an NT system??

Jon Weitzman jonw at gdpspace.com
Mon Apr 5 11:52:44 EDT 2004


(Second request with log info)

I am still having no luck in running Spambayes on an NT system.

The install gets to the finish page, but no toolbar appears in Outlook.

There is a  spambayes log in c:temp.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "addin.py", line 1546, in ?
  File "win32com\server\register.pyc", line 477, in UseCommandLine
  File "win32com\server\register.pyc", line 407, in RegisterClasses
  File "win32com\server\register.pyc", line 261, in RegisterServer
  File "win32com\server\register.pyc", line 85, in _cat_registrar
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147467262, 'No such interface supported', None, None)

Does this offer any insight to anyone??

Jon Weitzman

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Weitzman [mailto:jonw at gdpspace.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:30 AM
To: 'spambayes at python.org'
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Help---Still no luck running spambayes on an NT
-----Original Message-----
Jon Weitzman wrote:
>  Trying to install and run  Spambayes on an NT system.  It seems to
> install but I
>  do not get a spambayes toolbar in outlook.
>  I'm installing spambayes 1.0a9(0.9).  My system is NT 4.0 and
>  Outlook 2000 SR-1  Version 9.

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