[Spambayes] Content violation

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sun Apr 11 08:32:24 EDT 2004

    Bob> Do bounce messages like this really have to be forwarded to the
    Bob> entire Spambayes list? 

Yes, I think so.  There are few, if any, filters applied to the spambayes

    Bob> In the early days of the list, I'm pretty sure that such forwarding
    Bob> didn't happen. But it has for several months now, and it's getting
    Bob> tiresome.

I suspect it's just the effect of all the extra virus activity the past few
months.  Most virus scanners seem to be particularly stupid in this regard,
failing to realize that all From: addresses are likely to be forged.  In my
book (since I'm not on Windows), they are more troublesome than the viruses

Just train on them when you see 'em.  They are variable enough in format
that a simple filter won't catch them but have enough clues that Spambayes
will do a reasonable job identifying them.


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