[Spambayes] RE: whitelisting

Cedric Beust cbeust at bea.com
Mon Apr 12 14:01:28 EDT 2004


	From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Katz, Amir
	Just my $0.02: one of the recent strains of viruses/worms goes into a person's address book and sends mails either to those addresses faking the 'From:' or uses those addresses as the 'From:'. If you unquestionably trust whitelisting, this kind of malware will hit you square between the eyes.  

True, but we are trying to block spam, not viruses.
My personal experience is that the breakdown of spam/viruses is about 95%/5%, so taking care of these 95% is a good first move.
As for the other 5%, I leave it up to server-side, client-side or human-side (me :-)) blocking, but I think that extending SpamBayes to cover viruses as well would threaten to limit its efficiency in blocking pure spam.
One tool for each purpose.

	OTH, since the whole point of spams is the mail messages' contents (buy something), Bayesian is the way since it checks at the part that must contain meaningful information (from the spammer's perspective). 

No argument there.
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