[Spambayes] Whitelisting

Sean True seant at iname.com
Mon Apr 12 23:06:13 EDT 2004

> CRM114 has had white/black/prio listings since day zero.
> The justification is that there are some things you _never_ want
> to miss (example: from your boss, your lawyer, or your paramour).
> Although I don't use them myself (and I never test with them) I
> do send out an example file for other folks to use.
> Many people seem to think it's what they really want, even though
> I recommend that they don't depend on them.
>   -Bill Yerazunis

InBoxer added whitelist/blacklist to SpamBayes almost immediately. Some
customers err, 
_motivated_ us to do it. I find whitelisting helpful, and blacklisting
useless, personally.

-- Sean

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