[Spambayes] multiple users

Cris Mateski Crismateski at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 15 00:44:07 EDT 2004

Thank you for the very fast response, although it does not seem to have
worked.  I tried it twice with no luck.  I tried rebooting after the second
attempt to see if that made a difference, but it did not help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 9:21 PM
To: 'Cris Mateski'; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] multiple users

> I am trying to get spambayes to work on outlook 2002
> with multiple users.  I read in the troubleshooting guide,
> but I am not sure exactly what it is saying.  I know it is
> in the registry, but when I go to regedit I can not find
> anything spambayes related.  It says it is in regsvr32.exe
> /i:hkey_local_machine 
> "c:\Program Files\SpamBayes\bin\outlook_addin.dll"  When I
> look in hkey, I can not find program files.  I tried looking
> in software, but can not find anything there.  If someone
> could explain what I need to do, that would be great. 
> I am not to familiar with the registry.

The instructions aren't talking about using regedit to manually edit the
registry, they're talking about running a command which will do it for you.
FWIW, the SpamBayes entry is in 'Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\',
either in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (all users) or HKEY_CURRENT_USER (current

Some people have had trouble with the command in the troubleshooting guide,
anyway, though, so do this instead:

This assumes that you installed SpamBayes into "C:\Program Files\SpamBayes".
If you put it somewhere else, then change appropriately.

 1. Open a command window (Start->Run->cmd.exe or Start->Run->command.exe)
 2. Change to C: (type "C:" and enter)
 3. Change to the directory you installed SpamBayes into (type "cd
c:\program files\SpamBayes" and enter)
 4. Change to the "bin" directory in that directory (type "cd bin" and
 5. Type "outlook_addin_register.exe /i:hkey_local_machine" and enter.

This should do the trick.  Let us know if you have troubles.

=Tony Meyer

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