[Spambayes] Outlook sends error report

Randy Barger randy_barger at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 18 09:58:29 EDT 2004

Hi all.  I'm new to the list, and have searched some of the archives, but
haven't been able to find an answer to my problem.

First let me say thanks for this awesome program!  I have tried MANY of
them, and this is the ONLY one I've found that actually saves me time and
works like it should.

That being said, here's my problem.  I'm running Windows XP Pro with SP1 and
all the latest updates.  I was running Outlook 2002 with SpamBayes .8x
(sorry I don't remember the exact version).  I then upgraded to Outlook
2003.  Every time I click any of the toolbar buttons "Delete as Spam" or
"SpamBayes", Outlook closes and asks to send an error report to Microsoft.
I then realized that I probably should have uninstalled SpamBayes before I
upgraded Outlook, so I completely uninstalled SpamBayes and downloaded the
newest version (1.0b1).  However, I'm still having the same issue.

Mail is still being filtered automatically, it's only when I click a toolbar
button that this happens.  I've attached the logs from today and yesterday.

Randy Barger
Email: randy_barger at yahoo.com
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