[Spambayes] Spam bayes in French ?

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Apr 27 02:57:18 EDT 2004

> We really should do the work to i18nify SB.
> The code is stable enough now that it's probably worth while.

+1 (and I can stop recommending POPfile to everyone <wink>).

Someone asked about this a wee while ago (on spambayes-dev, maybe?), but I
don't know if anything was done or not.  I'm happy to make time to make any
code changes necessary to make the task easier, but I can't really offer
much in the way of translation itself (I suppose I could do a Maori
translation at a push, but I imagine the potential users of such a
translation number approximately 0).  Based on list traffic, a French
version should be easily do-able.

I'm guessing that someone here must have some (even non-Python) experience
at doing this, yes?  Any volunteers to coordinate the effort?

=Tony Meyer

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