[Spambayes] Does SB tokenize the subject?

Seth Goodman sethg at GoodmanAssociates.com
Mon Dec 27 19:19:38 CET 2004

> From: Katz, Amir
> Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 11:14 AM
> Good point, which brings the question: how do I tell SB that the word
> 'prescription' in the subject line is a stronger spam clue that the same
> word in the body of the message? AFAIK, there is no such mechanism.

That's the easy part.  Just train on messages that don't classify well
enough for your liking and Spambayes will eventually figure it out!  That's
the beauty of the naive Bayesian classifier.  Just give it enough examples
and it figures out what the right scores are.


Seth Goodman

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