[Spambayes] Upgrade pointers please

Robert Neuschul robert at imagine.co.uk
Mon Jan 5 11:41:53 EST 2004

Hi all,

I've been running version 1-0a4 against Python 2.2 for some time with 
good success rates, using more or less default configs, but recently 
performance has begun to degrade, with lots more spam slipping through 
the net in the last few weeks. 
I suspect this has to do with three things: firstly the ratio of 
ham/spam - which is currently running at around 4:1 measured over an 
average of around 450-500 mail items per day, and secondly that I never 
got around to using anything other than the then default hammie setup 
and finally, that in those recent weeks I have not had time to do 
regular daily or weekly training.

It's clearly time to upgrade so as to sort a few things out; however 
I've managed to completely lose track of which version of w32all is 
currently installed [yes it's on a W2K server] and I'm also not at all 
clear if I should consider upgrading Python at the same time. I'd 
welcome pointers to some URLs or other info offering guidance on the 
best procedure for proceeding with the upgrade.


Robert Neuschul.

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