[Spambayes] feature request

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Jan 23 15:10:08 EST 2004

    Keith> automatically send an "unsubscribe" email when designated "spam"
    Keith> I know most spam is from anonymous addresses, but those that are
    Keith> legit can be prevented from sending more in the future.

That's kinda tough to do in general and not really within SpamBayes' domain.
First, you have to recognize that there is an unsubscribe blurb in the mail.
Second, you have to decide if you send a mail or poke a URL (and to where).
Third, you have to format the mail properly or know if the page referenced
by with the URL requires more typing and/or poking.  Fourth, and perhaps
most important, you have to only do this for legitimate notices, otherwise
you'd just be validating your email address for a spammer.


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