humorous (Re: [Spambayes] It's Great, But...)

Terrel Shumway tshumway at
Tue Jun 8 18:22:21 EDT 2004

David Gliserman wrote:

> The latest (beta) version of Spambayes is commercial quality, with one 
> exception – it jerks the Outlook menus around and makes them unstable. 
> I ran the beat version for about a month until my Windows environment 
> became unstable for (I hope) other reasons. If you can nail down the 
> Outlook menu issue, I’ll be happy to contribute. Until then I have to 
> fight the good fight with each Outlook folder I open and realign. 
> Right now I am leaving it fallow until I think that final bug has met 
> its match.


"commercial quality"? Is that a complement or an insult?

If, for example, Outlook is "commercial quality," I
certainly hope Spambayes rises far above that standard.
(It does, IMO)



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