[Spambayes] Spambayes as an open mil relay ???

Lee Edward Armstrong lee at darkwave.org.uk
Mon Mar 1 13:34:54 EST 2004

Hi there,

I recently installed this spam killer and it seems to be working quite well.....

However today i came back to my pc after work and saw my net connection being 
hammered....Looked into what my firewall said and the only thing running was 
spambayes !

Had a further look and i get the feeling that after a port sacn or two, someone has 
twigged i'm running this and seen it as a free spam relay point ????

Is this posible ???

If so, its one hell of a dodgy loop hole !

I'm running Win98 (not SE), Pegasus Mail (so not the outlook plug-in) and Sygate 
Personal Firewall.

Any help much appriciated - & please reply personaly as well to the group as i'm not 
yet subscribed.


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