[Spambayes] Spambayes on Mac OS X

Fran ç ois Granger francois.granger at free.fr
Fri Mar 26 12:06:06 EST 2004

I moved to a new Mac with 10.3.3, so I decided to do a fresh install of the
latest of Spambayes. I downloaded the latest (b10) from CVS.

It is still absolutely wonderfull. Trained on only 10 ham, 10 spam, it
already filter most spams.

Checking the documentation page, I thought that there was some room for a
detailed proxy install for "Mac OS X newbie Unix users" and I started it. It
is currently a text document. I can make it an Html one.

I enclose it below for review.

Mac OS X install

Create a directory spambayes inside your user directory
After download of Spambayes and decompressing, open a terminal window:

fgranger$ cd /usr/local
fgranger$ md bin
fgranger$ chmod a+x bin
fgranger$ cd /path/to/decompressed/spambayes

replace by the name of the directory, or type "cd " in the terminal window
then drag the directory icon from the finder to the terminal windows.

fgranger$ python setup.py install
fgranger$ cd build/scripts-2.3
fgranger$ pico spamd

copy & past the following inside the window

---- start copy
# spamd         This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
#               the spambayes deamon.
# Author:       Dave Handley
# Date:         11 Oct 03
# Changes:      François Granger for Mac SO X
# Date:         26 Mar 04

# Source function library.
#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Source networking configuration.
#. /etc/sysconfig/network


# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
    # Start daemons.
    echo -n "Starting spamd: "
    cd /Users/fgranger/spambayes # replace fgranger by your login
    /usr/local/bin/sb_server.py &
    # Stop daemons.
    echo -n "Shutting down spamd: "
    killall sb_server.py
    $0 stop
    $0 start
    status sb_server.py
    echo "Usage: spamd {start|stop|restart|status}"
    exit 1

exit $RETVAL

---- stop copy

Then Ctrl-w, Ctrl-x
fgranger$ chmod a+x spamd
fgranger$ cp * /usr/local/bin

fgranger$ cd /Users/fgranger/spambayes
fgranger$ pico bayescustomize.ini

Copy and past the following text inside the windows

---- start copy

---- stop copy

Then Ctrl-w, Ctrl-x

you can now type in :
fgranger$ /usr/local/bin/spamd start

After some days, you will only need to type:

fgranger$ spamd start

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