[Spambayes] Spammers Attempts to Circumvent Baynesian Filter

Len Hartley len_hartley at hotmail.com
Sun May 23 13:38:57 EDT 2004

Until early this year, SpamBayes was identifying more than 90% of spam, with 
only a small amount going into the Suspects folder.  Since February of 2004, 
more and more spammers are including what you might call short stories or 
lists of innocent sounding words at the bottom of their Email.  Because of 
this method, I have recently found that more than half of Spam is rated not 
higher than suspect.

SpamBayes is still very useful but this has reduced its effectiveness.  Is 
there any defense or have spammers permanently weakened the effectiveness of 
Baynesian tools?

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