[Spambayes] Trainig block

Michael Kimball michael at kimballpottery.com
Fri Oct 29 04:35:36 CEST 2004

I thought I saw something on the MozillaZine forums about this being a
bug, but I couldn't find the reference.  There are several hits for a
search for "localhost" on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ , but I'm afraid
I couldn't make any sense of them.  Maybe someone who has some
experience with bugzilla on mozilla.org can help with this.

Tony Meyer wrote:
> > When I double click on the Spambayes tray icon to train
> > the program my web browser (Mozilla) opens but hangs up
> > saying "waiting for local host...".
> >
> > Does Sapmbayes work with Mozilla?
> Yes.
> What happens if you type "http://localhost:8880" in Mozilla's address bar?
> Do you get the same error?  If so, check that you're not trying to go
> through a proxy for localhost addresses
> (Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Proxies, then you need to have "localhost" in
> the "No proxy for" entry, or be using "Direct connection to the Internet").
> =Tony.Meyer
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