[Spambayes] Spambayes stopped working

Liner, John jliner at harris.com
Tue Sep 7 15:56:27 CEST 2004

First, let me congratulate you on a brilliant product.  I've tried several
different antispam products, both commercial and freeware.  Nothing, and I mean
none of them, work even half as well as spambayes.  I'd be happy to make a
donation to help ensure you keep updating your application.  Now, if you could
help me solve just one problem:
spambayes has stopped working on all of my machines.  No error messages, it
appears per normal.  It simply stopped working.  I tried both version 1.02 and
1.09 and they simply seem to have shutdown.

I am running XP, (home and pro), and Outlook.  Previously, Spambayes worked like

Is there a virus or something that is disabling spambayes?  Have you had other
instances of this problem?  I even uninstalled and re-installed both versions
several times.  No go.

any advice or hints will be most wlecome.  meanwhile, please continue your great
work in fighting spam.  You guys seem to have the upper hand on it.  I'd be
willing to purchase your application if  you decide to go commercial.  It is a
great application.
John Liner.
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