[Spambayes] Spambayes 1.1a1 too many problems?

diho at unlimitedmail.org diho at unlimitedmail.org
Wed Apr 13 09:18:46 CEST 2005

Hello Tony,

Regarding 2: With 1.04 there are no messages in the cache so SB
 starts up almost instantaneously.

Regarding 3: 1.0X was definitely not running. I shutdown the
server and completely removed the Spambayes folder from the
Program Directory before I installed 1.1a1.

Regarding 4: I've no clue when it happened. I looked in the
logfile when I noticed that Spambayes was using CPU and I/O
cycles and my system was about dead. Then I saw the error
message in the logfile and the size of the Pafe File (normally
the PF is about 300MB).

I've seen that Janusz Piwowarski seems to have similar problems
but I'm more than happy to re-install 1.1a1 and closely monitor
for this error to happen again (and if possible, will try to
re-create it). Let me know what you want me to do.

Best regards,

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they
fly by.--Douglas Adams

> > 1) Spam/Ham training through the online server did not cause 
> > any change in the statistics but all messages ended up in the 
> > pop3proxy-ham-cache or pop3proxy-spam-cache directory 
> > depending whether the messages were trained as ham or spam.
> Someone else already reported this one, and it's fixed in
CVS.  The
> statistics would actually get updated, but only next time you
> sb_server (i.e. the persistent bit worked, but not the
current session bit).
> > 2) Once all the training messages ended up in the cache 
> > directories, it took ages to start the Spambayes server.
> Longer than with the same number of messages in the cache
with 1.0.x?  I
> can't think of any reason that would be.  If anyone else is
reading this and
> still using 1.1a1, do you find this too?  Is it actually
related to the
> number of files in the caches, or something else?
> > 3) Intermittently, I saw e-mail message headers with the 
> > following errors:
> > X-Spambayes-Exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
> [...]
> >  .DBRunRecoveryError: (-30978, 'DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error,
> >  run database recovery -- PANIC: Invalid argument') 
> As Tim said, this means that the database is dead, and you
have to retrain
> from scratch.  Did you start with the same database you had
with 1.0.x, or
> delete that and start fresh?  This problem occurs with 1.0.x,
too (and is
> one of the reasons for 1.1a1 including other database
options), although not
> often, and most cases are caused when something unsupported
> access from two spambayes processes, for example) is done. 
Was there
> anything unusual about the way you ran 1.1a1?  Was 1.0.x
definitely not
> running at the same time?
> > 4) Error messages in the logfile like:
> [...]
> > error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
> > <spambayes.Dibbler._HTTPHandler connected at 0x98437b0> 
> > (socket.error:(10053, 'Software caused connection abort') 
> > [asynchat.pyc|handle_read|89] [asyncore.pyc|recv|343])
> > Almost immediately after this error, the Page File increased 
> > to over 1.3GB!!! and my system slowly died. 
> Again, if anyone else is reading this, have you experienced
anything like
> this?  It's hard to track down from a single report like
this; it would be
> much easier if someone could keep running 1.1a1 while we
figure out what the
> problem is.  I don't suppose you know *when* the messages
appeared in the
> log?  (i.e. when you were just using the web interface, when
mail was being
> checked, when training was occurring).  Is your network
> unreliable? (My best guess is that there were regular
problems with
> connecting to the POP3 server, but I need more information to
know for
> sure).
> As Tim said, thanks for the report.
> =Tony.Meyer
> -- 
> Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your
> (reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about
> http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html
explains this.

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