[Spambayes] Fwd: Update and Verify Your PayPalaccount*****************

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Sat Jul 16 05:26:22 CEST 2005

> Does anyone monitor this?  If not then I think
> I'll be unsubscribing as I didn't sign up to this
> userlist to get MORE spam.....

Something that you can do, whether you are subscribed to the list, or not, is check the FAQ for answers to any questions that you have (I'm assuming that you subscribed to get answers, since I haven't seen any posts from you helping others).

If you do check the FAQ, you'll see that the very question you asked (although phrased politely) is answered:


There isn't much more in the answer than what Tim and others have said, but getting your answer from there in the first place would free up other people's time, to improve SpamBayes, or help others here.


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