[Spambayes] [spambayes-dev] address book

Kenny Pitt kenny.pitt at gmail.com
Tue May 17 20:29:33 CEST 2005

Questions about the use of SpamBayes are better asked on the
"spambayes at python.org" mailing list.  The "spambayes-dev at python.org" mailing
list is primarily for issues regarding the development of SpamBayes.

Big Max wrote:
> Spambayes does not pay attention to my address book email addresses and
> mark as spam mail that should  not as they come from friends.

Correct.  SpamBayes does not implement any form of whitelisting, either from
your address book or from a custom list.  Please see FAQ 6.6:

> How can I train Spambayes to accept as Ham all emails coming from anybody
> in my address book ?

You cannot tell SpamBayes in one shot that any mail from anyone in your
address book is ham.  However, if you continue to train individual messages
that SpamBayes doesn't get right, then it will quickly learn to recognize
all of the good mail.  In addition, it will learn to recognize spam messages
even if they claim to come from one of the people in your address book.

Kenny Pitt

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