[Spambayes] Latest CVS update, Ocrad for Windows

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Mon Aug 14 05:37:20 CEST 2006

I updated the OCR capabilities a bit more today.  I added more intelligent
assembly of split images into a single image after noticing that the
spammers don't simply chop up multi-part GIF images horizontally.  I also
added a couple extra options (ocrad_scale and ocrad_charset) which control
the image scaling factor (default is 2) and character set (default is
"ascii") Ocrad uses.  Scaling the image by a factor of 2 was a pretty
obvious win:

    false positive percentages
        0.000  0.000  tied          
        0.000  0.000  tied          
        0.000  0.000  tied          
        0.000  0.000  tied          
        0.000  0.000  tied          

    won   0 times
    tied  5 times
    lost  0 times

    total unique fp went from 0 to 0 tied          
    mean fp % went from 0.0 to 0.0 tied          

    false negative percentages
        4.213  4.213  tied          
        1.404  0.843  won    -39.96%
        3.371  2.809  won    -16.67%
        2.528  2.247  won    -11.12%
        4.213  3.652  won    -13.32%

    won   4 times
    tied  1 times
    lost  0 times

    total unique fn went from 56 to 49 won    -12.50%
    mean fn % went from 3.14606741573 to 2.75280898876 won    -12.50%

Scaling by a factor of three was even better in the false negative
department but regressed a bit in the false positive category so I checked
Options.py in with a default scaling factor of 2.  A couple things could
stand to be further tested:

    * I have no idea how good Ocrad's scaling algorithm is.  It's possible
      that PIL or NetPBM's scaling code is better.  If so, it would make
      sense to scale the images before feeding to Ocrad.

    * The images I've see so far were all plain English, so I blindly made
      ascii the default charset.  The other choices were iso-8859-9 and
      iso-8859-15.  I simply assumed ascii would be the most appropriate
      default, but didn't test it.

Finally, I put together a really simpleminded Ocrad-for-Windows release
based upon the ocrad.exe binary that Tony built.  Check the Files section of
the SpamBayes project site:


and grab ocrad-cygwin.

There are a few caveats:

    1. I don't do Windows.  (No, really, I don't, strange as that may seem.)
       This is no fancy-schmancy point-and-shoot Windows installer.  It's
       just a simple zip file with the Ocrad 0.15 distribution, Tony's .exe
       file and the patch he applied to the source.

    2. I don't do Windows.  The code I've written so far has been done
       entirely on my Mac.  I've made no obvious concessions to portability.
       That said, I hope portability issues won't be daunting for any early

    3. I don't do Windows.  If you have problems it won't do you any good to
       mail me directly.  Post about problems on the SpamBayes bug tracker:


    4. If you do Windows you will need PIL to take advantage of the recent


       (unless you want to put hair on your chest and build NetPBM on
       Windows).  Fredrik Lundh provides prebuilt Windows versions of PIL.
       Grab the one appropriate for the version of Python you have

    5. If you do Windows (or any other platform for that matter), feedback
       to the lists about successes and failures would be helpful.



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