[Spambayes] OUTLOOK 2007
yasinturkmenilli at ozel.com
Tue Dec 16 09:50:22 CET 2008
Dear spambayes team
Development team first I like to say you have great product which is I currently use for outlook 2003 but when we changed to outlook 2007 I could not use any more because it's not functioning any more.
Pls could you kindly tell me is there any way to fix it or not. Maybe I have to wait until applies new version for outlook 2007.
Pls advice your recommendation or solution.
Best Regards
Pazarlama Müdürü / Marketing Manager
Özel Bilgi İşlem A.Ş.
NEC Computers Turkey Distributor
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yasin at ozel.com <mailto:yasin at ozel.com>
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