[Spambayes] Password visible in SB Proxy V 1.1b2

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Mon May 9 03:32:46 CEST 2011

    Peter> On the advancedconfig page, the password for the email account is
    Peter> visible in plain text.  This creates a potentially severe
    Peter> security problem- if someone had access to my computer for just a
    Peter> few seconds, they could pull the password for my main email, and
    Peter> then have access to whatever else they wanted.  (Go to bank site-
    Peter> use 'forgot password'- get password mailed to now no longer
    Peter> secure email, snag that, then start withdrawing money or
    Peter> whatever.)

    Peter> Is this just a glitch because of the weird version, or is this a
    Peter> pervasive problem?  Thanks!


Did this happen previous to 1.1b1 (1.1b2 hasn't been released yet).  Do you
know what version of Python is being used?

Skip Montanaro - skip at pobox.com - http://www.smontanaro.net/

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