[Spambayes] cannot connect to server

Norman B. Grover norman at md.huji.ac.il
Sat Oct 15 15:53:38 EDT 2016

Dear Skip,

At 10:20 pm15.10.16, you wrote:

> > SpamBayes appears to use port 110, which corresponds to 'NEVER'.
>It's been a long while since I used this, but the port should should be 

         When I set the port to 995 in SpamBayes and leave 'Requires SSL: 
YES' in my email client, I get the following error:

Task: Checking <Dominant>
Status: Not Completed
Details: TLS/SSL connection error: A failure in TLS/SSL library occurred. 
Try again latter.
Completed: 4 %
Time: 15.10.16 10:39:03 pm

         Thank you for your quick reply and trying to help.

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