[Speed] Are benchmarks and libraries mutable?

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sun Sep 2 00:15:14 CEST 2012

On Sat, 1 Sep 2012 18:10:34 -0400
Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> True, but having to carry around multiple copies of libraries just becomes
> a pain.

Apart from the initial pain of adding code to deal with multiple
copies, I don't see how painful "carrying" copies can be. It's not like
you have to physically carry the files :)

> > > If we can't find a reasonable way to handle all of this then what I will
> > do
> > > is branch the unladen benchmarks for 2.x/3.x benchmarking, and then
> > create
> > > another branch of the benchmark suite to just be for Python 3.x so that
> > we
> > > can start fresh with a new set of benchmarks that will never change
> > > themselves for benchmarking Python 3 itself.
> >
> > Why not simply add Python 3-specific benchmarks to the mix?
> > You can then create a "py3" benchmark suite in perf.py (and perhaps
> > also a "py2" one).
> >
> To avoid historical baggage and to start from a clean slate. I don't
> necessarily want to carry around Python 2 benchmarks forever. It's not a
> massive concern, just a nicety.

We can decide to remove some benchmarks when they become too old. It's
no reason to fork a separate development branch, though. Most of the
current benchmarks already run under 3.x so you would just duplicate
maintenance work.



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