[Speed] perf 0.9.4 released

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 12:05:25 EST 2017


I released the version 0.9.4 of my Python perf module:

* Add --compare-to option to the Runner CLI
* compare_to command: Add --table option to render a table


I used the --table feature to write this FASTCALL microbenchmarks article:


| Benchmark           | 3.5     | 3.7                          |
| struct.pack("i", 1) | 105 ns  | 77.6 ns: 1.36x faster (-26%) |
| getattr(1, "real")  | 79.4 ns | 64.4 ns: 1.23x faster (-19%) |

Use --quiet for smaller table.

The --compare-to command is the generalization to any perf script of
the existing perf timeit --compare-to option, to quickly compare two
Python binaries.

Example with timeit (because I'm too lazy to write a perf script!):
$ ./python -m perf timeit 'int(0)' --duplicate=100 --compare-to
../master-ref/python -p3
/home/haypo/prog/bench_python/master-ref/python: .... 112 ns +- 1 ns
/home/haypo/prog/bench_python/master/python: .... 108 ns +- 1 ns

Median +- std dev: [/home/haypo/prog/bench_python/master-ref/python]
112 ns +- 1 ns -> [/home/haypo/prog/bench_python/master/python] 108 ns
+- 1 ns: 1.04x faster (-3%)

Hum, I should write an option to allow to specify the name of python
binaries, to replace [/home/haypo/prog/bench_python/master-ref/python]
just with [ref].


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